Sophie Felberg - Office Manager The Torah tells us “Do not go after the majority to do evil” (Shemot 23:2) What is the meaning of this verse?It is very natural for a person to try and impress their friends. Sometimes this means that they imitate their...

Rav Michael Sunshine - Rosh Beit Midrash In innumerable shuls across the world this Shabbat, a most fascinating event happens.  As the ba'al koreh is about to read the 6th Aliyah, everyone present will stand up to hear the Aseret Hadibrot, the Ten Commandments.  More than just recognizing the...

Rav Aharon Ross - Educator This week the midrasha visited sites in the south where some of the attacks on Simchat Torah took place a year and a half ago. Amid the difficult stories, we also heard about incredible people who risked their lives to...

Rav Tuvia Aronson - Educator A Journey of Life, Growth, Unity & Blessing.Parashat Vayechi introduces us to the final chapter of Yaakov Avinu's life, and his blessings leave an enduring legacy. The Ba’al Shem Tov zy”a teaches that even in the constraints of exile, Yaakov connected...

Estee Lightstone - Educator Chanukah in Israel – A New ChapterAs we celebrate Chanukah this year in Israel, the significance of the holiday feels more profound than ever before. The streets of Israel today echo with the footsteps of the modern-day Maccabees—men and women who, like...

Lani Margolias - Educator Studies show that over 70% of teens are not happy with the way they look, and that percentage increases as they get older, especially with women. When did looks and the emphasis on appearances become a focus in our society? The truth...

Rav Effie Kleinberg - Educator Shouting our message to the world.In our parasha, Ya’akov is transformed from an individual into a father of the nation of Israel. We are the Nation of Israel, and it is in this parasha where we get our name and...

Rav Yonaton Hirschhorn - Educator During this month of Kislev, the nights grow longer and ever darker. According to the Kabbalah, the month of Kislev parallels the act of sleep. What’s the connection? What good could there possibly be in sleeping? Isn’t it just a...

Rav Yehoshua Felberg - Educator Parashat ToldotWho is Yitzhak? It’s a question that should have a simple answer. Yitzhak is the son of Avraham and the father of Yaakov. He is the child of the covenant, the ram that was not sacrificed, the living whole burnt offering. And...

Esther Farkovits - Educator “ויבאה יצחק האהלה שרה אמו" )כד:סז ( Rashi comments on the pasuk "Into his mothers, Sarah's tent"He explains that when Rivka was brought into the tent of Sarah, she had become exactly like Yitzchak's mother, Sarah.  That is to say, the words signify as much as,...