MTC Highlights: Parashat Nitzavim

Dvar Torah by Alexis Levy - Assistant Director

Parshat Shemini

BH, the students of MTC 5782 have been in Israel for nearly two weeks and we are looking forward to celebrating Rosh Hashana together next week. I realised how the timing is perfect; that we welcomed the new MTC student body during the month of Ellul, just as we began to recite slichot.  As part of the slichot liturgy, we include the beautiful tefilla of Machnisei Rachamim in which we beseech the angels of mercy to bring our prayers before the Merciful G-d.

The Chatam Sofer addresses the halachic question of how appropriate it is to speak to angels in our tefillot. He contrasts angels and our fellow Jews. While it is questionable whether we should ask angels to take our tefillot to Hashem, it is praiseworthy to ask other Jews to pray for us. The Chatam Sofer tells us simply: “But all of Israel are partners, one body, one soul.” Our link to each other, the mutual responsibility we feel is what allows us, and requires us, to pray for each other.  

That connection between fellow Jews is what makes MTC so special. The students of MTC choose a selfless year – a year of growth through giving to their fellow Jews. The MTC students have elected to spend their year caring for the children of Bet Elazraki – living and breathing the words of the Chatam Sofer – “all of Israel are partners, one body, one soul.”  The joy and love as our students met their children for the first time today was palpable. 

We see these words of the Chatam Sofer personified in another aspect of our student body. This year’s students, like the students of previous years, have already shown this level of care towards each other. I watched them help each other with their suitcases at the airport, support each other through quarantine and already build beautiful friendships. In just a few days they have truly already become a community and a family with “one body, one soul”. 

As we approach Rosh Hashana, we may not feel comfortable speaking to angels, but I am confident that the students and alumni of MTC will always be looking out for each other, and for all of Am Yisrael – davening for and helping each other in the pure and genuine MTC way. 

Wishing you all a Shana Tova!

Student Reflection

Eden Barzvi - Hewlett, NY - HAFTR, NY

My week at MTC so far has been amazing!

When I first got off the plane I was nervous to meet everyone but after being in quarantine for a week we all got so close it’s like I knew them forever. Throughout quarantine week we were provided with everything we needed and had activities to keep us busy and get to know our house.

I can now call my house a family because it really does feel like home. After quarantine week we started classes and I couldn’t be happier with the classes I chose.

The teachers make sure that the class is for you and we can choose the classes that fit us best. So far it’s been an amazing 2 weeks and I can’t wait for the next year with such amazing people!


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