MTC Highlights: Parshat Toldot

Dvar Torah by Esther Farkovits - Educator

Parshat Toldot

ויאמר ה׳ לה שני גוים בבטנך ושני לאומים ממעיך (בראשית כה;כג)
HaShem told Rivka, “two nations are in your womb two powers will diverge within you.”
We know that Yaakov and Eisav, twin babies, were completely different even in utero. In other words, their different personalities and journeys were inherently their natures already before they were born. Is there something we can learn from such an unusual brotherhood?

According to the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Yaakov and Eisav represent the two souls and their opposing drives that exist within each one of us. We all posses an inner Yaakov; our Divine soul and it’s G-dly drives that lead us to kindness, love and spirituality.  We all also have  an inner Eisav within; our animating soul that serves our body so we can survive but can also make us selfish, competitive and filled with ego. When our Divine soul asserts herself, it weakens our materialistic tendencies for that moment. 

The Divine soul overcomes the animating soul the same way light overcomes darkness. Light does not have to actively go to war and defeat darkness with all its strength and force. Darkness simply ceases to exist in the presence of light. It surrendered peacefully with very little effort. Well, that can change a lot of the ways we view our struggles with being better. As soon as we let the holiness and goodness of our Divine souls to shine buy doing good and spreading love and Torah, the selfishness and anxious animating soul disappears. All we have to do is shine a little bit of light into the world and the powers of darkness fold gently. 

May we be zoche to hear the voices of our G-dly souls and join together to create a lasting light for all and forever in the geulah shilayma. It all starts with one person, one soul, one flame.

Shabbat Shalom.

Student Reflection

Hannah Garvin - Columbus Torah Academy, OH - Bexley, OH

This week at MTC has been unlike any other so far.

On Sunday, we had a tiyul to Leket in Raanana where we helped organize and package produce for those in need. Following our Chessed at Leket we visited the bullet factory in Rechovot. During the tour we learned about the brave men and women who sacrificed so much to allow the state of Israel to exist, deepening my connection to and understanding of the land. 

Earlier this week, I brought two of the boys in my group to my house, where we played soccer, made snacks, and practiced English. Every day I look forward to spending time with these boys, and I’m so excited to see what the rest of the year brings. 

Last year, if you told me that after graduating high school I’d go to seminary, I’d laugh. But looking back, deciding to take a gap year and come to MTC was the best decision I could have made. Not only do I come home at the end of the day with new knowledge and wisdom from Torah, but also a sense of satisfaction resulting from the Chessed that is built into our day. I can’t wait to see what the rest of the year has in store!

Tiyul to Leket & The Bullet Factory

Our Week of Learning

Chessed & Celebrating חג הסיגד in the Children's Home