MTC Highlights: Parshat Ki Tetze

Shira Melamed - Director

Parshat Parshat Ki Tetze

My purpose. Our purpose. 

Our students have been here at MTC for a couple of days now and we already feel like a family. 
There’s an atmosphere of support, of trust and of understanding.
It has honestly left me amazed.

How can it be that young women from all different places can connect so quickly? How can someone defined as a stranger, the next day, be defined as a dear friend?
I think the answer is simply in the title of this week’s parsha.

Ki Tetzeh. 

This week’s parsha is filled with many commandments. Over 70. It has rule after rule and can be extremely overwhelming if we lose the “Ki”, the “because” in “Ki Tetzeh.”
What transforms all of the commandments and instructions to not only manageable, but meaningful and beautiful, is the “Ki”. It’s the reminder that I am not doing anything without purpose. Every single mitzvah that I receive in this week’s parsha serves a purpose in my life. It is here to guide me, to better me, to turn me into the best version of myself. I am not simply “Tetzeh”- going out, venturing out, discovering. I am “Ki Tetzeh”- I am fully aware of my actions and the reasoning and purpose behind them.

This explains our students perfectly.
All of our students have come to MTC with their own “Ki”, with their own purpose. They have come to grow, to learn, and of course, to be there for a child. And when strangers share a common purpose, they are no longer strangers. They are bonded. They form a family.

Wishing everyone a Shabbat Shalom and the ability to live life consciously. To be people who act, speak, react, all in ways that are thought out, and meaningful. It is through this lifestyle of conscious growth that we will iyH be zoche to grow daily and make this world a better place.

Welcome Class of 2023!!!!

Orientation & Welcome BBQ

Day Trip to Jerusalem!!