MTC Highlights: Parashat Toldot

Miri Idan - Educator

Parshat Vayelech

Rivka, our mother, shows us a woman who removed herself from her home, her family and the place where she grew up. She did “lech lecha” in an emotional and practical way. She went after Eliezer, Abraham’s servant, in order to marry Isaac.

Rivka leaves with her nurse Deborah and goes to a strange and unfamiliar place to marry a man she has never met, and puts all her trust in Gd, listening to her heart’s command.

Rivka initiates the whole process of Jacob impersonating Esau and takes the responsibility upon herself by saying: Your curse is on me my son.
Rivka the tzadika knows that the only way to truly live a life is to live the way of truth.

Jacob also connected to the truth. And the truth is the Almighty God, the Torah and the commandments.  Jacob and his mother gave their souls to establish the house of Israel.

Jacob concentrated mainly on the next life, on the birth of the tribes and the establishment of the nation of Israel and the eternal life of the nation.
Esau instead put his eyes and heart in material life- he wanted to do everything now! He did not look to the future like Jacob. He had difficulty in rejecting earthily gratifications, and a reluctance to fulfil his role as the eldest son and he willingly and scornfully recognizes his birth right and loses his blessing. He makes the choice to escape.

Jacob faces the difficulties and knows that every challenge that he overcome entitles him to eternity.

We can handle these difficulties, succeed and look to the future too. It is in our genes.

Student Reflection

Rach Friedma - New York, NY - Melamed Academy, NY

This past week in MTC has been so special. We spent this past shabbat in Tzfat where we were given free time to explore the city for ourselves.

I then got to go on a tour given by Rav Yonaton to visit our ancestors including Chana and her 7 sons. We were able to say tehillim there before heading back for shabbat.

Shabbat morning, we were given the opportunity to wake up at 5:30am to daven shacharis at sunrise. We concluded shabbat with hearing from Chana Margulies who told us about her life and how she chose to become religious, how she beat cancer and her life in Tzfat.

The trip was an amazing experience to connect with our peers, our staff that came with us and the beautiful city of Tzfat.

I spent this week with the children in the pnimiyat yom and got to go to a bar mitzvah in the pnimya which was really fun. I love MTC and I love every minute I get to spend here.

Shabbaton in the holy city of Tzfat!

Torah Time!

Happy Thanksgiving