MTC Highlights: Parshat Vayetze

Rav Effie Kleinberg - Educator

Parshat Vayetze

We read this week about the journey of Yaakov to build the Jewish people together with Rachel and Leah. On the way to Haran where he eventually marries Rachel and Leah, he stops and has the incredible dream about the ladder with the angels ascending and descending.

When he woke up, the Torah describes how Yaakov realizes that he had been in a holy place and somehow wasn’t aware. The Seforno comments that Yaakov certainly knew it was the place where he would receive prophecy, but he had a certain feeling that he missed out on some aspect of the experience.

What was this? Had he known he would have prepared himself better! He was bothered by this! We must wonder why Yaakov was so bothered by this, after all he received the prophecy which was the main experience he had arrived there for?! 

Once the Vilna Gaon was in the middle of learning a deep topic and had a question on the topic and was not sure how to resolve the issue at hand! The heavenly angels came to provide the Vilna Gaon with the answer, and the Vilna Gaon refused to accept the answer, he wanted to work for it, he wanted to make himself into a receptacle that could receive that answer that would be sent to him from the heaven to make it his own. 

The message of Yaakov is that if you want to become great, if you want to become a person that will make an impact as the parsha begins, that Yaakov left the city, and his leaving left a mark on the community he had just been part of. To be more Yaakov-like, we need to embody the trait of preparedness and the reward for such preparation is true greatness and impact on the world!

Student Reflection

Audrey Gold - Los Angles, LA - Shalhevet, LA

This past week has been a lot about prospective students which has been so special for me.

There were girls that came to look at MTC from all around the world, and there’s something called “takeover day” with an organization called Israel gap year. It is a social media platform to show prospective students an inside scoop on a day in the life in seminary and yeshivas, and there are 2 ambassadors for each program. Me along with my new friend from MTC, Tali Sitruk, are both the ambassadors for MTC!

Yesterday, we had takeover day, and I was so nervous until it was actually happening. I realized how easy it was to create a day in the life and to talk to all these prospective students because all I had to do was be genuine.
My goal was to depict the true happiness of the environment here at MTC, which was so easy because of how naturally it came to everyone.

Everyone wanted to be a part of it and wanted to share their insight on MTC, what they’ve been learning, and their experiences with the kids.
It was honestly a moment of nachas for me to hear all of the things my friends were saying and how much they’ve already grown so far.

I hope I made an impact, helped the girls with this process, and properly showed how special MTC really is!

Learning Torah!

With our Kids!