MTC Highlights: Parshat Ha’azinu

Lauren Friedman - Eim Bayit

In just 2 days is judgment day. Yom HaKippurim! 

What an auspicious, serious day this is. We ask Hashem for forgiveness, through doing teshuva and fasting and we most importantly ask to be sealed in the book of life. But what is life…?

The main thing we ask from G-d on Yom Kippur is for life itself. Because without life we cannot grow, improve, live and experience all the brachot Hashem grants us. We literally need a physical life in this world to experience this. 

Now, what’s the other type of life we ask for? A spiritual life! One that we can feel through our heart. 

When you read from a siddur are reading just words? Or do the words make you feel closer to Hashem?

In the month of Tishrai we have the ability to feel His closeness and attain this spiritual life. We have Yom Kippur to repent, pray, be forgiven, connect to and ask from Hashem Himself! And we then have Succot to actually feel Hashems protection, warmth and love.

We have the 7 guests in our Succah from the Torah. We have friends and family to connect with. 
There is so much in the month of Tishrai, and All of it is the combination of both our physical and spiritual life.

I still remember going to the kotel with a close family member who was sick the year before. We were doing slichot and he turned to me saying, I got granted another year, in that moment I realized one more year here, one more year to connect. A complete life is what we ask for.

May we all experience a beautiful Shabbat leading up to a meaningful Yom Kippur. 

May we all be granted a physical and spiritual life this year! 

Shabbat Shalom.

Student Reflection

Kayla Becker - Los Angeles - Shalhevet, CA

These past three weeks at MTC has been a truly moving experience. 

From meeting the other girls, meeting my incredible teachers, meeting the children who I get to spend time with this year, and of course to our first Chag together this past weekend, MTC has made me feel like I have another home away from home. 

This past weekend I got the opportunity to spend Rosh Hashanah with MTC and it was so incredible. Even though I miss being home with my family over the Chagim, the staff and other girls have made me feel comfortable and happy just where I am. 

Spending time with the children of Beit Elazraki, I continue to feel inspired by the kids. They help me want to keep giving to others and that is so special and makes me want to spend more time with them weekly! 

It’s crazy to think it’s only been less than three weeks since I arrived here. Being here has made me focus on the present more and appreciate my life more and more.

Rosh Hashanah at MTC

A week of Torah

Making Memories