MTC Highlights: Parashat Bereshit

Shira Melamed

This past week has been one of the darkest weeks in Jewish history.
We are living through unfathomable times, and I venture to say that they will remain unfathomable forever. 

All of our students came to Israel to learn, grow and give. Absolutely none of them signed up for this. But they signed up to learn grow and give, and I’ve witnessed them do that more this past week than some people do in a lifetime. 

Their learning has taken on another level of seriousness, with the understanding that every word of Torah being shared protects Am Israel. Their giving has known no bounds. None. They have spent every minute with their kids ensuring that they can remain kids. Planning activities, carnivals, dance routines, English lessons, anything and everything to make their kids smile. 
An entire kibbutz from the south was evacuated and brought to Netanya. Our students have been going to visit them every day. They watch the infants, play ball with the children, serve food, fold laundry, whatever needs to be done to alleviate some of the anguish from the community of the south. 

I told the girls that Esther when she was called to save the Jewish people, felt overwhelmed by the mission. She told Mordechai that she can’t do it, it’s so big, too scary. And Mordechai said to her.

“ומי יודע אם לעת כזאת הגעת למלכות”

Who knows? Maybe Hashem brought you here to this castle at this time so you can save the Jewish People.

Our students are among the few who don’t have fathers, brothers, husbands, cousins, uncles and neighbours enlisted. They have the ability to walk around a broken people and bring light. They have the ability to save the Jewish People’s spirits. And that mission cannot be underestimated. Our spirits are our everything.

I want to thank our students and their incredible parents. They have been a source of comfort and inspiration to their peers, the kids, the lonely and the grieving. They have been a source of comfort to all.

Praying for better times for our nation and our homeland.

Shabbat Shalom.

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