Dvar Torah by Ariella Nadel - Educator Parshat Vayigash Dream Like Joseph: Ariella NadelAnd I also dream like JosephYes they also threw me into the pitA wheel that repeats inside a costumeAnd like David I make it into a psalmChanan ben Ari (Dream Like Joseph) This modern-day Psalm...

Dvar Torah by Raiya Rubin - Chessed Coordinator Parshat Miketz Why do we celebrate the miracle of the jug of oil on Hanukkah? After all, there were many other great miracles מעטים מול רבים, גיבורים ביד חלשים, the miracle of the military victory. The Or Sameach explains that there...

Dvar Torah by Lani Margolias - Educator Parshat Vayeshev Studies show that over 70% of teens are not happy with the way they look, and that percentage increases as they get older, especially with women. When did looks and the emphasis on appearances become a focus in our...

Dvar Torah by Rav Yehoshua Felberg - Educator Parshat Vayetzei Where is the proof in the Torah that Ya’akov Avinu wore a hat? Parshat vaytzei begins with the words “vayetzei ya’akov”. Are you telling me that Ya’akov went out without a hat on?I was once a member of...

Dvar Torah by Esther Farkovits - Educator Parshat Toldot ויאמר ה׳ לה שני גוים בבטנך ושני לאומים ממעיך (בראשית כה;כג)HaShem told Rivka, “two nations are in your womb two powers will diverge within you." We know that Yaakov and Eisav, twin babies, were completely different even in utero. In...

Dvar Torah by Rabbi Boruch Boudilovsky - Educator Parshat Chayei Sarah Last week communities around the country celebrated Shabbat Olamit under the international Shabbos project. The success of the international project exhibits the value and beauty of Shabbat even [and perhaps especially] in our modern world. In...

Dvar Torah by Rabbi Avi Block - Educator Parshat Vayera The opening scenes of Parashat VaYeira are well known. But a closer look at the sequence of these events presents an interesting question.To begin with a quick summary: Avraham sees three men approaching; he pleads with them...

Dvar Torah by Ellie Ausubel - Educator Parshat Lech Lecha Why Avraham?  At the end of parshat Noach we are introduced to a man named Avram, the son of Terach, who along with his family set out on a journey. Our parsha, Lech Lecha, begins with a calling to...

Sophie Felberg - Office Manager Parshat Noach We all know the story of Noah. His generation was a disaster! Idolatry, robbery, and murder. Noah was the only righteous one in his generation.  Hashem wanted to wipe out the world. He told Noah to build an ark, and when the...

Lauren Friedman - Eim Bayit Parshat Lauren Friedman - Eim Bayit Parashat Bereshit  Parashat Bereshit focuses on creation, and specifically the creation of man. Man is the only creation in the world that has a shirah, as explained in Perek Shira. In order to understand our shirah we must learn our nature.  Hashem...