News & updates

Sophie Felberg - Office Manager Parshat Bereshit Netivot Shalom relates a beautiful concept that we should set Hashem as a seal on your arm and a seal upon your heart. There are 3 festivals which are celebrated through action. On Pesach we eat matzah, on Rosh Hashanah we...

Rav Yonaton Hirschhorn - Mashgiach Ruchani Parshat Haazinu We are in between two major holidays. We are coming off a 40 day period of growth, repentance, and Teshuva.  And heading towards a holiday fully focused of togetherness, having quality time with HaShem in the Sukkah. Rebbe Nachman teaches that...

Rav Michael Sunshine - Rosh Beit Midrash Parshat Vayelech In Parashat Vayelech, just before he dies, Gd tells Moshe that He will bring them to Eretz Yisrael, fulfilling the promise He made to Avraham, Yitzchak, and Ya'akov.    Hashem continues and says that once here, in the Land, He...

Lauren Freedman - Eim Bayit Parshat Nitzavim In this week's Parsha, once again, we are presented the curses and the blessings that will be bestowed upon Israel. If we are good, we will be blessed, however, if we fail to act good and choose to sin, we will...

Alexis Levy - Assistant Director Parshat Ki Tavo All beginnings are special and this year of MTC has been no exception. How fitting for our first couple of weeks to coincide with Parshat Ki Tavo which describes a beautiful mitzvah regarding the first fruits.  When a resident of the...

Shira Melamed - Director Parshat Parshat Ki Tetze My purpose. Our purpose. Our students have been here at MTC for a couple of days now and we already feel like a family. There's an atmosphere of support, of trust and of understanding.It has honestly left me amazed.How can it be...

Shira Melamed - Director Parshat Behaalotecha In this week’s parsha the tribe of Levi is initiated into the service in the sanctuary. Their service was all about heart and soul, serving Hashem from a place of song and music. Once may ask, how necessary is this? How necessary is...

Ellie Ausubel - Educator Parshat Bamidbar Two Armies of G-d: Reflections for Yom Yerushalayim This Saturday night and Sunday marks Yom Yerushalayim, a day which many Jewish communities will celebrate with the recitation of Hallel. I’d like to share just a few of the miraculous events from the first...

Sophie Felberg - Office Manager Parshat Bechukotai Lag B'omer is a day of celebration for hundreds of thousands worldwide. It is also a day of mourning and remembrance. A day where 45 neshamot lost their lives last year in Meron and the end of the death of 24,000...

Lauren Friedman - Eim Bayit Parshat Behar In this week’s parasha we read about the laws of shmittah.   Hashem tells us not to fear, we will have enough food… “I will ordain My blessing for you in the sixth year and it will yield a crop sufficient for the...