News & updates

Sophie Felberg - Office Manager Sukkot This Shabbat coincides with the beginning of Sukkot, a special Chag where we leave our house and go outside and sit in a hut, a sukkah. A place we dwell and by doing so, we are fulfilling a mitzvah with our...

Lauren Friedman - Eim Bayit In just 2 days is judgment day. Yom HaKippurim!  What an auspicious, serious day this is. We ask Hashem for forgiveness, through doing teshuva and fasting and we most importantly ask to be sealed in the book of life. But what is...

Rav Michal Sunshine - Rosh Beit Midrash Of the various ideas of Rosh Hashanah, there is one that consistently and regularly draws me in:  Teshuva. Typically, the word Teshuva will be translated as Repentance. Rav Avraham Yitzchak Hakohen Kook, in a more truthful connection to the Hebrew, understands...

Alexis Levy - Assistant Director What an incredible start to the 11th year of MTC!The students of MTC 5784 have been impressive from the moment they arrived, from their first day, our first Shabbat together, their first classes and meeting their kids. In fact, they...

Shira Melamed - Director My purpose. Our purpose. Our students have bH arrived and began the process of developing lifelong friendships. Each year our students tell us that they have never had friendships like these before. And it always leaves me amazed that they connect so quickly,...

Shira Melamed - Director ShelachThe MTC year has come to an end, and we could not be prouder of our students who have all grown tremendously. As they head back, we are confident that they will contribute to their families, the Jewish People, and society...

Alexis Levy - Assistant Director BehaalotechaIt is hard to believe that this incredible year is coming to a close. On the one hand there is a feeling of sadness as an unbelievable year of friendships, growth, learning and giving is ending. On the other hand,...

Rav Michael Sunshine - Rosh Beit Midrash ShavuotAs the year is winding down, Jews around the world have been counting up, starting with the second night of Pesach when we counted, "Today is the first day of the Omer." We have been adding one day...

Rav Yonaton Hirschhorn - Mashkiach Ruchani The Book of BamidbarThe Book of Bamidbar is an important part of the Torah, but its meaning may not be immediately clear. We can explore it by comparing it to other books in the Torah.Bereshit focuses on the heritage of the...

Lauren Friedman - Eim Bayit Parshat Behar-Bechukotai The opening verse of this week's Parsha states, "This is what G-d said to Moses at Sinai," which introduces the mitzvah of shmittah. This requires farmers to leave their land unworked every seventh year. But why is the focus on this...